I received this book for free from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
It feels like it’s been quite a while since I read a volume of Black Bird. The distance is a good thing. It helped me stay interested. When I was catching up on it, I was getting a little tired of the story. Mostly, it’s because it always feels like it’s about to end, but it never does. Now that we’re in the final story arc, I don’t have to worry too much about how long this manga is going to last.
Kyo is still hell bent on finding a way to save Misao. Not that I blame him, but he’s kind of turned selfish in the process. When his father tell him he might know of a way to give them more time to find a way to save her, he almost demands Misao to do what he says even though she has a lot to lose. This volume really showed me how much these two have grown together in the series. Misao has really learned how to stand up for herself and speak up when she’s feeling hesitant about something Kyo wants her to do. It’s taken Kyo a while to grow because he can be pretty stubborn. I really enjoyed seeing who they’ve become together. Kyo’s father is one character I’m keeping an eye on. He’s still mysterious and I can never tell what his real motives are. In this volume, he’s telling Misao one thing, then contradicting himself by telling Kyo another. We’ll see how that pans out. Over all, this was a good addition to the series and I’m ready to see how things will pan out.
I recommend this series to ages 16 and up due to sexual content. It’s pretty mild, but still.