Though I enjoyed the first installment of this series, this one blew it out of the water. The tension between Jessica and Marcus is even stronger, and their relationship is what I love most about these books because it’s so unconventional. They’re not your “normal” teenagers. They’re quirky and I can really appreciate that since I am admittedly pretty quirky myself. Jessica’s character loses me a little bit in this book. She can be so blind sometimes. She also might be more cynical than I am. I didn’t relate to her as much. I think I understood Marcus a little better.
McCafferty doesn’t disappoint with her witty reparte on high school drama and backstabbing. She really captures the essence and horror of high school. You’re always told that high school will be the best time of your life, but McCafferty begs to differ. She reminds us all of every embarassing moment and all the childish gossip that we all had to endure in our teens. It’s nice to read about a normal teenage girl and think I know exactly what she means because I’ve lived it.
My only complaint is that it closely resembles the 80′s teen movie in the end. This is kind of appropriate since Jessica loves the teen films of the 80′s, but it’s a bit too cheesy for me. I don’t mind cheesy in movies, but it just doesn’t work well in books. However, McCafferty redeems herself jsut a little by giving us a not-so-perfect ending and the promise of another book. All in all, a good read and better than the first. I finished it eager to see what the future held for both Jessica and Marcus.