Since I’ve already watched the anime, I already know the stories in this volume, but that’s okay. I don’t want to miss any extra stuff that might be in the manga.
Let me just say how much I love this manga. I know I haven’t reviewed any of it on here yet, so I haven’t gushed about how much I love all the characters. Tohru is so sweet and adorable. She’s the first girl in manga I’ve truly liked. I expect I’ll breeze right through this series, that is, if people stop checking it out at the library all the time.
Kyo and Yuki are hilarious. I love their fights. But I love that Tohru keeps them somewhat civil toward each other even more. She has the perfect sunny personality to have those two living under the same roof. She’s such a bright light and she really makes the stories.
When I started this manga, I thought the whole Chinese zodiac thing was really weird, but I’ve gotten used to it and now I just love all the characters. Honestly, I haven’t come across a character I don’t like. Well, aside from the mysterious Akito. I definitely don’t like him, but I’m eager to learn more about him and his past.
This is one of the first times we see Kyo do something truly sweet for Tohru. I love the connection between them and I can’t wait to see it develop. Kyo just needs to stop being his stubborn self and admit that he loves her. I know I might have to wait a while to get to that part, but I can be patient for something that adorable.