There were things I liked and things I didn’t like. I’ll begin with what I did like.
Solomon. He is one of my favorite characters ever. He’s so precious with his wacky interest in chemistry and matching colors. He spends the entire book trying to find a color to match Serena’s eyes. I also love how he surprises Serena constantly with curiosity about the men she’s been with, because he wants to know about their stays. Or his horror at some of the waistcoats men wear. He cracks me up constantly in this book. I love all the little things about him that Serena falls in love with. He’s just amazing. I wouldn’t say he holds the weight of the book, but he holds a lot of it.
The truth about Elijah. I was pretty surprised when the truth about Elijah (Solomon’s twin brother) came to light. I was also glad. I loved Elijah. There wasn’t nearly enough of him in the book and he was a pretty complicated character.
The things I didn’t like so much…
Serena. Okay, so that’s not totally true. I did like Serena. I thought she was even a great character sometimes. She was just so stubborn, and I hate that. I hate watching a woman ignore what’s right in front of her because she thinks things will be better that way. They’re never better that way. It makes everyone miserable, including this reader. I was so annoyed every time she shut Solomon down. It took almost all 317 pages for her to get herself together and admit how she felt. Though, I have to say that was one of the sweetest speeches ever. For the most part though, she drove me insane.
It was pretty slow. I’m not saying that there are things I’d cut out. It just wasn’t as fast paced as I wanted it to be. It didn’t really pick up until about 210 pages in, and that’s a long time for a 317 page book. I really like things to take off in the beginning. But if they don’t, I like for them to pick up within the first seventy or so pages. It took me far too long to get invested in this one. Still, if you like historical romances and a to-die-for guy, you should consider picking this one up.